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Eadweard Muybridge Cinematic Pioneers Flipbook - Flipboku

A fascinating flipbook comprising some of the greatest cinematic sequences of pioneering photographer Eadweard Muybridge.  Six different animations can be viewed, depending on the position of your thumb as you view the book.

Eadweard Muybridge (1830 - 1904) was an English photographer renowned for his groundbreaking work in the field of motion photography, and his early work in the projection of moving pictures.

Muybridge created motion studies of animals and people in motion – for example in walking, posing and running positions – and these were added to discs and viewed in his zoopraxiscope, a device for projecting moving images that pre-dated the flexible perforated film strip used in cinematography.

This flip book shows 6 of his most remarkable studies shot between 1877 and 1878, including the famous “Jumping Horse” or the “Lady jumping the Stool”, among others. You can switch between the different sequences by placing your thumb at the upper, middle or lower edge of each side of the flip book.

The flip book comes with an Augmented Reality feature, which you can visualise when scanning the front cover with your smartphone or tablet: a 3 minutes mini-documentary about Muybridge's life, his background and his most outstanding work. To access the AR content, simply scan the QR code included on the slipcase, install the Artivive App, open it and view the flip book on your screen.


135gr • 12 x 5 x 2cm • 240 pages 
Paper: Semi-matte coated 170 gr
Micro-documentary: 2 minutes / English

Standard delivery £3.45 (Large Letter size £2.75). Free Delivery on orders over £30

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